How will apprentices be assessed and graded throughout the programme?

For both the Software Developer and DevOps Engineer roles, apprentices are required to submit work to their coaches regularly throughout the programme to demonstrate they are meeting the knowledge, skills and behaviours of the apprenticeship. For many of the modules or stages, this will require learners to submit evidence against technical challenges or stages of their portfolio. This in turn allows coaches to feed back to the developer on their overall progress. Submitting evidence against technical challenges or stages is one of the key skills they build up over the time spent on the programme. Coaches aim to feed back frequently to developers, through holistic combination of written feedback on submitted challenges, 1:1 interactions and observations. 

Both the Business Analyst and Cyber Security Technologist programmes are evaluated through an end point assessment which is conducted by an independent assessor. For the Business Analyst apprenticeship this includes a project proposal with questioning and a professional discussion underpinned by portfolio. For the Cyber Security Technologist apprenticeship this includes a project report, knowledge test, scenario demonstration with questioning and a professional discussion underpinned by portfolio.