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  2. Applying to the Course

What should I write on my application?

Makers is a highly demanding course, so we're very selective in our application process. We want to make sure that the people who start the course are enthusiastic about tech, can see a long term career in the industry and will thrive during the course. 

On the application form, you'll see a box that says "What made you consider a career in tech?" — here's a run down of what to include. 

Are you looking for a career change?

Most Makers students are career changers so don't be afraid to talk about your previous career. There are a lot of skills you'll have learned from other industries that will be handy in your tech career, so make sure to talk about it. Maybe you were a manager so have great leadership skills. Perhaps you're a musician or artist and get a buzz from thinking creatively. 

If you don't think your previous career crosses over, that's fine too. If you've just discovered tech and want to dive into something new, Makers is the place to be.

Do you have a love for tech?

Tell us what interests you about the tech industry. Is there a specific sector of that interests you like AI or tech for good? Showing that you've researched the industry demonstrates to our team that you full understand the commitment and you're ready for a career in tech. 

What drives your motivation for learning to code?

Whatever motivates you is valid, whether it's long-term job security, the ambition of becoming a CTO or just that you love the process of problem solving. Be authentic, it will help our team support you and advice you during the application process.